

1、international marketing: a definition

international marketing is defined as theperformance of business activities

designed to plan,price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods

and services to consumers or users in morethan one nation for a profit

2、the international marketing task

?marketing controllables--------under control of marketing manager

?domestic environmental uncontrollables

–home-country elements that can have a direct on the success of foreign venture and are out of the immediate control of the marketer.

?foreign environmental uncontrollables

–the process of evaluating the uncontrollable elements in an international marketing program, often involves substantial doses of

cultural, political, and economic shock.

3、why is the task of international marketers more complicated than that of domestic


“in more than one nation”complexity diversity different environments 4、environmental adaptation needed

differences are in the uncontrollable environment of international marketing

firms must adapt to uncontrollable environment of internationalmarketing by

adjusting the marketing mix (product, price,promotion, and distribution)

a frame of reference should be established in determining or modifying a

marketer’s reaction to situations

5、the focus of im: im strategy

local global

4p’s strategy vs. international market participation

product vs. product adaptation or standardization

price vs. price adaptation or standardization

promotion vs. promotion adaptation or standardization

place vs. place adaptation or standardization

- plus - -------coordination, concentration and integration of marketing activities 6、src (自我参照标准:is an unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values,

experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions esso in japanese is “stalled car (抛锚的洗车)”pet milk in franch is “flatulence (肠胃气胀)”

7、ethnocentrism (民族中心主义)refers to the notion that one’s own culture or company

knows best how to do things
